Close the Door: The Way to Execute Real Work

Dorottya Nagy-Jozsa PCC Dorottya Nagy-Jozsa PCC today 2024-09-25 label ENG, English tag

Let’s face it, working from home is one of this era’s biggest blessings. If you check the numbers, you’ll see remote work is here to stay, no matter how loud some are screaming. :)

But as much as we love it, we have to admit - it’s filled with distractions. Whether it’s your cat/husband/mother:) demanding attention, the Amazon delivery guy ringing the doorbell, or that load of laundry that suddenly must get done, the interruptions are constant. Just like in your office. If you want to do any real work, you need to close your door - literally and figuratively. But there’s more to it than just blocking out distractions. It goes deeper - into how we actually think.

Enter: System 1 and System 2 Thinking

The two key players in your brain’s decision-making process are System 1 and System 2. These aren’t just fancy psychology terms; they’re a game-changer for how you get stuff done - if you’re conscious of them.

  • System 1 is fast, intuitive, and automatic. It’s the quick decisions we make without thinking—like hitting "reply all" on an email without considering the consequences (though, of course, you’d never do that...right). It’s reactive and works at lightning speed, but it’s not designed for deep thought.
  • System 2, on the other hand, is slow, deliberate, and requires focus. This is the thinking you do when solving complex problems, strategizing for the future, or creating something truly original. It’s the deep, analytical work that actually moves the needle - but it takes time, energy, and most importantly, space.

Now here’s the fact: If you open your calendar right now, it’s packed with System 1 tasks - back-to-back meetings, quick decisions, responding to teams messages, emails, and all those reactive tasks we juggle.

But where’s your System 2 time?

No Space for Deep Work

Most of us aren’t scheduling time for System 2 work, and that’s a real pain - both on an organizational level and a personal level. Our days are consumed by surface-level tasks, leaving little to no time for deep, thoughtful work.

Think about it - when was the last time you actually had a full hour of uninterrupted, focused time to work on something that truly moves the needle?

Exactly. It doesn’t just happen by accident.

Prioritize Your System 2 Thinking

To produce real work - the kind that’s creative, meaningful, and actually valuable - you have to prioritize System 2 thinking. And here’s how you do it:

  • Block off System 2 time in your calendar – This is sacred. Find a chunk of time when you’re naturally at your best (morning, afternoon, whenever) and book it. Treat it like a meeting with your most important client. You wouldn’t cancel on them, right? Same goes here.
  • Close the door – Both literally and figuratively. Eliminate distractions. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb, turn off Slack notifications, and close your email. If you don’t, System 1 will take over. It’s far stronger than you’ll ever be, sorry. Don’t give it the chance.
  • Be intentional with meetings – Meetings are where System 1 thrives, and they often kill momentum. Question if every meeting on your calendar is really necessary. If it is, make it 30 minutes shorter.

Why It Matters

Real work requires real thinking. System 2 is where your best ideas come from. It’s where strategies are born, creative solutions are crafted, and big-picture thinking happens.

By carving out dedicated time for System 2, you’re giving yourself permission to think deeply, solve complex problems, and ultimately produce work that matters - not just for today, but for the future of your career or organization.

You’re not paid to answer emails all day - you’re paid to create value. So, how many System2 minutes do you see in your week NOW?



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